Friday, 20 December 2013
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
A Single Gal Talks Back! : Facebook Relationship Status Solution
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
I took my usual fruits, bentonite clay and Apple Cider Vinegar at different times, and felt really good.
By the fifth day, the hunger descended mightily. It was almost unbearable, but I kept reminding myself that it was ending that day.
By 12 noon, I went to weight myself, and realized I had lost over 5 pounds in less than 5 days. Couldn’t wait to go back to eating as I needed to gain necessary weight as my aim wasn’t weight loss, so I tried to limit whatever would make me lose weight and increase what could make me gain weight like eating bananas and so on; still, I still lost that much weight.
This means that those who want to lose weight would maximally gain from this exercise.
I went to bed after taking 3 large oranges.
The morning of the 6 th day, I wasn’t feeling hungry at all. I felt like I could for another 5 days again, but I wasn’t ready to deal with my mum (she would report me to my Pastor if I continued cuz of the weight-loss side effect) or the aforementioned side effect.
I took an orange that morning and then went out with my younger brother to pick up a Samoyed pup for him. It took longer than expected but I wasn’t hungry one bit, despite having had only one orange. Finally ate bread around 4pm, even though I still wasn’t hungry. This means I more or less fasted for about 5.75 days. Not bad, if you ask me.
- The odds were high that I would get hungry or crave food strongly, on an odd day. This happened on the 1 st , 3 rd and 5 th day, whereas I was very fine on the even days- 2 nd , 4 th and 6 th days. Don’t know why this turned out so. - My skin complexion looked brighter. My face is some shades darker than my neck, but this reduced during the fast. - I’ve had this oh-so-tiny bumps under my right eye for a long time and they cleared off. - My urine was very clear and clean. Those who are interested in the urine therapy (I’m not!) would find that doing a fruit fast of about 2-3 days would give them easy to you-know-what urine. - My stool had this perfect look and texture (I know this is gross, but I have to mention this lol) - I felt oddly energized. - I had malaria symptoms about 2 or so weeks before the fast, but this cleared up during the fast. - It involves discipline and once accomplished, gives you a sense of self-belief and accomplishment. You can do it if you set your heart on it. - I learnt that one might feel sick during the fast, due to the body having too much toxin, but I didn’t experience this. I attributed this to recently cleansing my liver with some food supplements and also cutting off a few things off my diet (such as milk, soda drink, salt-based seasoning etc.) - No funky morning breath. My breath in the morning was funk-free. - I lost over 5 pounds within 4 days and inched closer to the underweight BMI. This was a side effect I didn’t need, as I was already slim enough, but I still had to face it. - Like I mentioned earlier, the odds were against me. Here’s what I mean: Like I mentioned in my post regarding my 1 st day fruit-fasting, I went to the mall, and in the food section of Shoprite, I saw one of my favourite store-purchased food- macaroni and minced beef, which I always bought since I tasted its yummy goodness a while ago and had to walk away with slumped shoulders. Now, I’ve gone to Shoprite 3 different times after that day, and they haven’t had macaroni and minced beef. Isn’t that strange? Also, we haven’t had any pizza feast in the office like the 3 rd day of the fast, and we had never had such before. Thirdly, my weakest days were only the odd days. See why I said the odds were against me? But I won (Yay!). - When I resumed eating, I felt stuffed on time, despite trying to eat a lot to gain lost weight. I learnt the stomach shrinks during the fast, which is a good thing in my opinion. The best way is to eat slowly, and avoid being tempted to rush your tasty meal, otherwise you run the risk of serious discomfort (unfortunately, I’m speaking from experience, despite being warned…yikes!). - For those who would like to lose some weight, you can eat healthy food in bits. Savour the yummy taste of food. Don’t fall back into your unhealthy way of eating, and do not allow your stomach to expand again, by eating so much food at once. - I realized I needed less sleep to feel energetic, despite loving sleep. This was a good one because I always slept late and had to wake early to catch the staff bus on weekdays. Still benefiting from this more than 2 weeks after. - I later learnt that I should have taken more cleansing fruits like orange, lemons, grapefruits etc., so I’ll be incorporating more of that during my next fruit fast. - I honestly can’t remember all the benefits and can’t look into my body system to see the dance steps displayed by my internal organs (maybe I would have learnt some steps from them, don’t you think?).
Fruit fasting, in my opinion, is the best form of fasting for cleansing and even weight loss. This is because you’re not just depriving your body of food, but you’re simultaneously feeding it necessary nutrients by taking fruits for optimum wellbeing and health. Your body is also taking in lots of fiber from fruits (which you wouldn’t get during a juice fast) which would aid in the flushing out of toxins by your liver (i.e fiber helps liver).
Also, if your goal is weight loss, you definitely DO NOT want your metabolism rate to slow down, which is what juice or water fast would cause. Taking fruits, regularly, during your fast, would result in increased metabolism, which every weight-watcher desires.
Finally, having sufficient calories for the day would be hard to meet when taking strictly juices, as against fruits.
Friday, 6 September 2013
Thursday, 5 September 2013
7- day Detox Plan
Juliette's 7-Day Detox Plan
By Dietitian, Juliette Kellow BSc RDFoods to include in the plan
Your plan can include:- Fruit – your plan can include any fruit including fresh, frozen, dried or canned in natural fruit juice. This includes apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapefruit, satsumas, sultanas, raisins, pineapple, mango, kiwi fruit, strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, nectarines, peaches, melons, star fruit etc
- Fruit juice – either make homemade fruit juices or smoothies from fresh fruit, or drink ready-made juices. Make sure ready-made juices are labelled as being ‘pure’ or ‘unsweetened’.
- Vegetables – eat any vegetables including fresh, frozen or canned in water (without salt added). This includes carrots, onions, turnip, swede, sprouts, cabbage, peppers, mushrooms, sweetcorn, peppers, leeks, courgettes, broccoli, cauliflower, salad, tomatoes, cucumber, spring onions etc
- Beans and lentils – eat any beans, including those that have been dried or canned in water. This includes red kidney, haricot, cannellini, butter, black eye, pinto, red lentils, green lentils and brown lentils
- Tofu and Quorn
- Oats – sprinkle oats over fresh fruit or use to make porridge, sweetened with honey and fresh fruit
- Potatoes – all types
- Brown rice and rice noodles
- Rye crackers, rice cakes and oatcakes
- Fresh fish – eat any fresh fish including cod, plaice, mackerel, salmon, lobster, crab, trout, haddock, tuna, prawns, Dover sole, red mullet, halibut, lemon sole, monkfish, swordfish etc. Canned fish in water is suitable too eg salmon or tuna
- Unsalted nuts – eat any including Brazil, peanuts, almonds, cashew, hazel nuts, macadamia, pecans, pine nuts, pistachio, walnuts etc
- Unsalted seeds – eat any including sunflower and pumpkin
- Plain popcorn – without sugar or salt
- Live natural yoghurt
- Extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar
- Garlic, ginger and fresh herbs
- Ground black pepper
- Honey
- Water – at least 2 litres a day. Tap or mineral water is fine.
- Herbal or fruit teas
Foods to avoid during your detox
- Red meat, chicken, turkey and any meat products like sausages, burgers, and pate
- Milk, cheese, eggs, cream
- Butter and margarine
- Any food that contains wheat including bread, croissants, cereals, cakes, biscuits, pies, pastry, quiche, battered or breadcrumbed foods, etc
- Crisps and savoury snacks including salted nuts
- Chocolate, sweets, jam and sugar
- Processed foods, ready meals, ready-made sauces and takeaways
- Alcohol
- Coffee and tea
- Sauces, pickles, shop bought salad dressing, mayonnaise
- Salt
- Fizzy drinks and squashes, including diet versions
Detox Plan Breakfasts
- Banana porridge
Porridge made with water and topped with natural yoghurt, banana, raisins and sweetened with honey.
- Fruit salad with yoghurt and oats
Fresh fruit salad with natural yoghurt and a sprinkling of oats.
- Fresh fruit smoothie
Fruit smoothie made from fresh fruit, natural yoghurt and honey to sweeten if needed.
- Muesli and yoghurt Homemade muesli made from oats, seeds, nuts and dried fruit served with natural yoghurt.
- Fresh fruit and yoghurt
Fresh fruit and a pot of natural yoghurt sweetened with honey.
Detox Plan Lunches
- Vegetable soup and oatcakes
Large bowl of vegetable or lentil soup (either homemade or supermarket ‘fresh’) with oatcakes.
- Tuna and sweetcorn jacket potato and salad Jacket potato topped with tuna (canned in water) mixed with sweetcorn and natural yoghurt and served with salad.
- Mediterranean salad with rice cakes
Rice cakes served with rocket, avocado, tomatoes, fresh basil and black pepper. Plus a handful of unsalted nuts.
- Guacamole with crudités
Homemade guacamole made from avocado, lemon juice, fresh chilli, tomatoe and garlic served with vegetable crudités and oatcakes.
- Tzatziki with crudités
Homemade tzatziki made from natural yoghurt, garlic, cucumber and lemon juice served with vegetable crudités and oatcakes.
- Avocado and prawn salad Fresh avocado served with prawns, salad, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice.
- Jacket potato with grilled cod
Grilled cod fillet served with jacket potatoes and lightly steamed vegetables.
Detox Plan Dinners
- Chinese vegetable stir fry
Stir fry a selection of vegetables such as bok choi, spring onions, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and beansprouts in a little olive oil with garlic and ginger. Serve with brown rice.
- Baked salmon with jacket potato
Bake a salmon fillet and serve with a jacket potato and steamed vegetables.
- Tuna and prawns with noodles
Gently fry a selection of vegetables such as onions, mushrooms, peppers, courgette and leek in a little olive oil. When lightly browned, add a handful of prawns. Cook for a few minutes, then add canned tomatoes, tomato puree, black pepper and tuna canned in water. Bring to the boil and simmer until the sauce thickens. Serve with rice noodles.
- Sweet and sour stir fry with rice
Gently fry a selection of chopped vegetables such as onions, peppers, baby sweetcorn and mushrooms. Add canned pineapple (in fruit juice), canned tomatoes, tomato purée, white wine vinegar and honey. Bring to the boil and simmer until the sauce has thickened. Serve with brown rice.
- Potato and bean casserole
Gently fry a selection of typical casserole vegetables such as onion, carrots and parsnip in a little olive oil with garlic. When browned, add diced potato and fry for a few minutes. Add fresh vegetable stock, black pepper and your favourite beans. Bring to the boil and simmer until the casserole thickens.
Detox Plan Snacks
- Fresh fruit or fresh fruit salad
- Natural yoghurt mixed with honey
- Plain popcorn
- Handful of unsalted nuts or seeds
Create Your Own Detox Plan
You can create and calorie count your own detox plan using the tools in Weight Loss Resources. Keep an online food diary, set a weight loss goal and see how many calories you need to get there. Try it Free for 24 hours
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Nutritional benefits of Watermelon Seeds
Culled from
It's hard to remember good
I asked for examples, and she told me about how he "banished" her from his phone. I told her she should share stories about his kind acts, and she said he helps her and does nice things for her, but she couldn't give a particular example.
I decided to ask her about the kind acts done by her immediate (that boy has got a kind heart, even though he's boisterous), and she said "I can't remember". When I probed further, she then went on to say "it's hard go remember the good things. It's easier to remember the bad ones".
What a revelation!
Like they say "from the mouth of babes, the truth is established".
No matter what you believe, the girl has said the truth; everytime you are unkind or inconsiderate towards others, it's magnified in their eyes. They would easily remember that unkind act/word than the other kind words/acts you said you've said/done , especially if that isn't an overwhelming number.
Il be posting some things on effects of negative words later.
Do have a splendid week.
Woke up to the knowledge that I hadn't prepared for today's fruit fast. After my time with Him, I took a TBS of bentonite clay and then drank about half a litre of water (my tummy refused sipping more). I then pleaded with my sister to help me cut up 1 half of a watermelon, and she was so kind to wake up to assist, while I jumped into the tub. By the time I was done with my bath time, she was also rounding up.
I quickly packed up the ones she had cut, the one that was remaining yesterday, a strawberry and 3/4 of a bunch of bananas, into a bag, and flew out the door. Caught up with the staff bus just in time.
Once I got to the office, I took another TBSP of clay, alongside water and then mixed up the fruits, including the bananas and strawberry. I was more efficient in getting the fruits ready, today.
By past 8am, I was eating a bowl of fruits.
Around 10am, I took a cold glass of ACV mixed with molasses. This healthy combo tastes like malt without the 'soft poison' (aka Sugar).
Some minutes past 12 noon, I was with another bowl of fruit. By this time, I had taken close to a gallon (if not a gallon, yet) of water.
Been having cravings for food I don't usually eat! Yesterday evening, I had a craving for Amala (which I don't particularly like), while today, I had a craving for toasted sandwich *rolling eyes at self*.
Anyhoo, Aunt Flo came to say hello, but I wonder if this stuff is getting on her nerves or somethang (shrug) cuz I'm barely aware of her presence..well...
I intend preparing the smoothie I've put off making, since Sunday. I'll be picking up some ugu leaves (aka Fluted Pumpkin) in the market, add an aloe leaf, some basil leaves and ginger, to the fruits I'll be blending.
Around past 3pm, I took my last bowl of fruits.
Drank much more than a gallon of water, today.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
I was selfish
After buying some pumpkin leaves (you need to read up on its amazing benefits), dried prawns, a piece of liver for my dog etc., I went to buy what i dreaded- 2 5-litre kegs of vegetable oil, which made it 10 litres. Now I had a bag that contained my work shoes (No way would I be found walking round the market in my heels) and other stuffs, then my ghana-must-go bag (thats what my sister calls my huge bag) which had lots of stuff in it and the things I had bought.
Determined to be strong, i picked up the kegs, squared my shoulders and marched on. I was blessed to suddenly see an empty commercial tricycle (rare) and i was the only one at the bus-stop(very rare). i quickly flagged him down and got in. I placed the kegs on the seat, as well as my bags.
As we moved on, I prayed that no one would flag him down before I alighted. Immediately, I felt shame.
Why would I want to profit from the ride, while he doesn't?
Would I feel good if someone wants me to have low turnover if I were in his shoes, simply because they want to feel comfortable?
I believe if we ask ourselves this selfless questions whenever we feel selfishness coming to the fore, the world would be a better place.
***He got 2 passengers, with 1 sitting beside him in front ( extremely rare if theres a space behind), so i was still comfortable, although, with my readjusted mindset, I wouldn't have minded if it didn't tunr out that way.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
The dog that keeps malice
Max, my dog, was giving me the palm big time!
On Easter Monday, I had muzzled him, as I needed to bathe him with some liquid prescribed by the vet, that mustn't make contact with his mouth, and also trim off the hair that covered both eyes so that he could see properly.
Now, he hated the muzzle, hated being wet and hated the scissors so much he could smell it metres away; this made it a triple offence.
After the muzzle was off, I decided to appease him by giving him what he loved the most- going out.
I quickly leashed (his fav word) him up, and took him to get roasted corn, which he likes a lot.
He seethed as he walked reluctantly behind me. He refused playing with his leash as we walked neither did he enjoy it.
When we got back home, he ignored me.
In the evening, I went to church and came back with my parents. As usual, he came up excitedly, to greet us; on seeing me, he turned back and went to greet my parents. In his excitement, he came towards me again, but on seeing it was me, he immediately turned back to play with my dad.
Throughout that day, he gave me the side-eye.
Next morning, he ignored me as I prepared for work.
When I got back at even, he came out to welcome me, although he still held back as he didn't react in an excited manner, go crazy with happiness, alert my sister that I was back or await my arrival by sitting outside.
I then took him for a drive to the cash machine and the filling station. He refused sitting alone on the seat as he wanted to be close to me after missing me so much.
I laughed.
Funny, how he was the one who had missed me, yet caused the missing by keeping malice.
Sometimes in life, we get hurt by a friend or family. It's understandable to feel hurt by their action, but don't overkill it, especially after they've repented. Let the hurt go. Don't keep thinking about it. This, of course, doesn't mean you should put yourself in the hands of someone that would constantly break you, without repenting (apology is different from repentance). If you know this person keeps doing that particular thing that hurts you, without making any effort at changing, forgive them and readjust your relationship with them.
For Max, he knew I'd always been good to him, so he had no reason to forever block me out.
Also, if he wasn't thinking like a child, he would have noticed he could see better, as the fur blocking his view had been trimmed off. Same with us, we sometimes could feel hurt by some actions, which would benefit us in the long-run; if only we could look beyond the present, we would show more appreciation.
On a final note, I'll like to say: Start seeing where others stopped.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
I beat F.E.A.R with all I had
Then the panel members entered.
My group members wanted another group member and me, to present. I acquiesced.
Our turn had come!
The results were announced soon after, and we came second!
- It's been proven that most times, what we worry about never comes to actualisation, so shelve worry on the shelf.
Dad then told her to put the blended TomaPep in the freezer. She said she couldn't as the freezer was full.
An idea immediately sprung to mind: "I had to get her to 'will' a way out". I quickly chipped in and told her to go and boil the pepper to preserve it since the freezer was full.
I knew she was smart enough to figure out which method was easier.
She did!
Within minutes, her creative mind came alive, and she created room for the bowl of TomaPep.
I laughed and told dad I knew she would find room for the bowl; I just had to give her a tougher alternative.
Like the old saying goes "when there's a will, there's a way". You just need to be given a chance to have the will, once you do, you'll use that 'will' to find a way out of seemingly impossible situations.
Most times, we don't know we are able to do greatly, until a great task is forced upon us. It's then the strength that lies in us, unutilized, becomes useful.
Push someone today, by offering them a tougher alternative, and watch them beat their expectations.
How I beat my expectation
I worked 13 days without a day's break!
I could have made it 20 days, but I decided to give myself a day's break.
I barely had time to think what I thought later "Is this me?"
If someone had told me I could wake up by 4am, get back home around 11pm mentally and physically exhausted, play with my dog, chat with my family before heading to bed, and waking up by 4am, the following morning, I'll have said that person didn't know me well.
Any other person, with a tougher personality could have easily achieved this, but I thought I couldn't. I didn't just think I couldn't, I had this self-assurance that I couldn't.
Honestly, I never believed that was possible.
I do have wild imaginations, but I couldn't even think this up!
But I did, but this time, it was reality.
I'll begin my day with E-learning lectures, of which I had to take notes, take an exam and score 80%. Besides that, we had almost unachievable deadlines. Once it was 9am, I'll go for classroom lectures, till 5pm (this could extend beyond that time) and sometimes, we would have tests after this. This was another achievement. I didn't believe I could sit and listen to another person go on and on, and I wouldn't sleep all through the class. Yes, I dozed, but I sat in front, always, so that was limited. I had to invent ways to stay awake...and doze a bit, uncaught (embarrassed look).
After that, I'll quickly get a system, and begin my exams or e-lectures till 9 or almost 10pm. Then there was book reviews and presentations between that time. It was a loaded 4 weeks of intensive training. This is the only time I've seen the word "intensive" used aptly.
That was the period I knew what brain saturation meant, experientially; my brain couldn't take a thing anymore.
Couldn't believe how much I had been under-utilizing my brain all these years!!!
Guess how I felt?
I felt fly!
It was cool being able to do all these, bending, yet not breaking.
To you all, I say: beat your expectations, break your personal bounds and watch yourself achieve greatness.
Last Sunday afternoon, my mum said she was going to buy bread there, and a chorus of disapproval rose up from them.
Even though I had also been 'bitten' I didn't mind as I'm always open to giving others/things, second or more chances.
Dad reasoned with them that my mum's good at selecting fresh bread and all, but they didn't believe him.
They were of the opinion that until the bread was tasted, one couldn't prove it's freshness.
It was finally proven that mum got 2 perfect loaves!
Funny, but a lot of people are like them.
Some go through life expecting the same thing that once happened to them, to happen again.
Thinking in absolute terms, rather than relative terms, has become the order of the day.
Let me give an illustration of what I mean by thinking in absolute terms, rather than relative terms.
It's common knowledge that daughter-in-laws (DIL) are said not to get along well with their Mother-in-laws (MIL).
THINKING IN AN ABSOLUTE TERM: Now, if I got married with the determination that I have to battle my MIL before I can have a peaceful marriage, then I'll hold on to that mindset, not minding if my MIL is a wonderful woman or a difficult woman, who can be softened, greatly, by care. Instead of this giving me the peaceful marriage I crave, I'll get the exact opposite, especially if the woman falls into either of the 2 aforementioned categories.
THINKING IN A RELATIVE TERM: If I go into marriage holding on to the belief that despite the widely-touted belief that DIL and MIL are like oil and water, I will get the best from the relationship once I do the needful. A lot of people may come and feed me with "you're not going to have a peaceful marriage because you haven't put your MIL in their place" but the exact opposite would happen based on factors I'll discuss another day.
Based on the above illustration, thinking in an absolute term involves "I've been IRREPARABLY hurt by bad friends, so I WON'T have friends anymore"; while thinking in a relative term involves "Even though I've been BADLY hurt by bad friends, I know good friends abound, so I'll be careful not to choose bad friends next time, and if I do, I choose to choose, again".
There's someone hurting, who's reading this post; I ask that you give TRUST a chance, again.
Give Life a chance, again!
Give Love a chance, again!
Give Laughter a chance, again!
Review on Jane Carter's "Nourish and shine"
I regularly visited it to check out products.
I would scan through reviews just to discover magic products that could get my hair looking nice and manageable.
During one of my numerous 'lust & get sessions', I came across Jane Carter's Nourish and Shine. The reviews and product description, tallied.
Tightly curled, as well as loosely-curled sistas, raved about how great it was and all that, so I added it to my cart.
I wasn't disappointed one bit!
The amazing thing is that it could also be used on the skin, and the ingredients are all natural.
After applying my leave-in, I use it to seal in moisture, concentrating on the ends. My ends immediately feel supple.
I just need a little, and Bam! my hair is all shiny, and soft.
I sometimes apply it in between washes.
It blesses my hair with a nice fragrance.
My palms also love it, cuz once I'm done with my hair, my palms rejoice in the paradise of 'softness'.
The ingredients are: Shea butter, kokum butter, Illippe butter, Mango butter, Vitamins A, D,& E, pear and grapefruit essential oils.
The only drawback this product has is that it's a tad expensive at $22 for a 4oz tub, but I got it during the '25% off' promo (yay!)
I'll like to add this: always remember that a little goes a long way. If you use too much, you run the risk of having greasy hair.
I'll definitely be buying again.
*whispering* shhhhh!!! let me tell you a secret. Whenever I'm going out, I stop by our reflecting window, and admire my hair as the sun highlights the shine (sigh of contentment).
***I wrote this review for my friend, Emmanuella's blog and decided to share it here, also.