Thursday, 4 April 2013

The dog that keeps malice

Max, my dog, was giving me the palm big time!
On Easter Monday, I had muzzled him, as I needed to bathe him with some liquid prescribed by the vet, that mustn't make contact with his mouth, and also trim off the hair that covered both eyes so that he could see properly.
Now, he hated the muzzle, hated being wet and hated the scissors so much he could smell it metres away; this made it a triple offence.
After the muzzle was off, I decided to appease him by giving him what he loved the most- going out.
I quickly leashed (his fav word) him up, and took him to get roasted corn, which he likes a lot.
He seethed as he walked reluctantly behind me. He refused playing with his leash as we walked neither did he enjoy it.
When we got back home, he ignored me.
In the evening, I went to church and came back with my parents. As usual, he came up excitedly, to greet us; on seeing me, he turned back and went to greet my parents. In his excitement, he came towards me again, but on seeing it was me, he immediately turned back to play with my dad.
Throughout that day, he gave me the side-eye.

Next morning, he ignored me as I prepared for work.
When I got back at even, he came out to welcome me, although he still held back as he didn't react in an excited manner, go crazy with happiness, alert my sister that I was back or await my arrival by sitting outside.
I then took him for a drive to the cash machine and the filling station. He refused sitting alone on the seat as he wanted to be close to me after missing me so much.
I laughed.
Funny, how he was the one who had missed me, yet caused the missing by keeping malice.

Sometimes in life, we get hurt by a friend or family. It's understandable to feel hurt by their action, but don't overkill it, especially after they've repented. Let the hurt go. Don't keep thinking about it. This, of course, doesn't mean you should put yourself in the hands of someone that would constantly break you, without repenting (apology is different from repentance). If you know this person keeps doing that particular thing that hurts you, without making any effort at changing, forgive them and readjust your relationship with them.
For Max, he knew I'd always been good to him, so he had no reason to forever block me out.

Also, if he wasn't thinking like a child, he would have noticed he could see better, as the fur blocking his view had been trimmed off. Same with us, we sometimes could feel hurt by some actions, which would benefit us in the long-run; if only we could look beyond the present, we would show more appreciation.

On a final note, I'll like to say: Start seeing where others stopped.

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