Tuesday, 24 September 2013


By the morning of the 4 th day, I felt like I couldn’t care about food after facing the worst temptation the previous day.
I took my usual fruits, bentonite clay and Apple Cider Vinegar at different times, and felt really good.
By the fifth day, the hunger descended mightily. It was almost unbearable, but I kept reminding myself that it was ending that day.
By 12 noon, I went to weight myself, and realized I had lost over 5 pounds in less than 5 days. Couldn’t wait to go back to eating as I needed to gain necessary weight as my aim wasn’t weight loss, so I tried to limit whatever would make me lose weight and increase what could make me gain weight like eating bananas and so on; still, I still lost that much weight.
This means that those who want to lose weight would maximally gain from this exercise.
I went to bed after taking 3 large oranges.
The morning of the 6 th day, I wasn’t feeling hungry at all. I felt like I could for another 5 days again, but I wasn’t ready to deal with my mum (she would report me to my Pastor if I continued cuz of the weight-loss side effect) or the aforementioned side effect.
I took an orange that morning and then went out with my younger brother to pick up a Samoyed pup for him. It took longer than expected but I wasn’t hungry one bit, despite having had only one orange. Finally ate bread around 4pm, even though I still wasn’t hungry. This means I more or less fasted for about 5.75 days. Not bad, if you ask me.
- The odds were high that I would get hungry or crave food strongly, on an odd day. This happened on the 1 st , 3 rd and 5 th day, whereas I was very fine on the even days- 2 nd , 4 th and 6 th days. Don’t know why this turned out so. - My skin complexion looked brighter. My face is some shades darker than my neck, but this reduced during the fast. - I’ve had this oh-so-tiny bumps under my right eye for a long time and they cleared off. - My urine was very clear and clean. Those who are interested in the urine therapy (I’m not!) would find that doing a fruit fast of about 2-3 days would give them easy to you-know-what urine. - My stool had this perfect look and texture (I know this is gross, but I have to mention this lol) - I felt oddly energized. - I had malaria symptoms about 2 or so weeks before the fast, but this cleared up during the fast. - It involves discipline and once accomplished, gives you a sense of self-belief and accomplishment. You can do it if you set your heart on it. - I learnt that one might feel sick during the fast, due to the body having too much toxin, but I didn’t experience this. I attributed this to recently cleansing my liver with some food supplements and also cutting off a few things off my diet (such as milk, soda drink, salt-based seasoning etc.) - No funky morning breath. My breath in the morning was funk-free. - I lost over 5 pounds within 4 days and inched closer to the underweight BMI. This was a side effect I didn’t need, as I was already slim enough, but I still had to face it. - Like I mentioned earlier, the odds were against me. Here’s what I mean: Like I mentioned in my post regarding my 1 st day fruit-fasting, I went to the mall, and in the food section of Shoprite, I saw one of my favourite store-purchased food- macaroni and minced beef, which I always bought since I tasted its yummy goodness a while ago and had to walk away with slumped shoulders. Now, I’ve gone to Shoprite 3 different times after that day, and they haven’t had macaroni and minced beef. Isn’t that strange? Also, we haven’t had any pizza feast in the office like the 3 rd day of the fast, and we had never had such before. Thirdly, my weakest days were only the odd days. See why I said the odds were against me? But I won (Yay!). - When I resumed eating, I felt stuffed on time, despite trying to eat a lot to gain lost weight. I learnt the stomach shrinks during the fast, which is a good thing in my opinion. The best way is to eat slowly, and avoid being tempted to rush your tasty meal, otherwise you run the risk of serious discomfort (unfortunately, I’m speaking from experience, despite being warned…yikes!). - For those who would like to lose some weight, you can eat healthy food in bits. Savour the yummy taste of food. Don’t fall back into your unhealthy way of eating, and do not allow your stomach to expand again, by eating so much food at once. - I realized I needed less sleep to feel energetic, despite loving sleep. This was a good one because I always slept late and had to wake early to catch the staff bus on weekdays. Still benefiting from this more than 2 weeks after. - I later learnt that I should have taken more cleansing fruits like orange, lemons, grapefruits etc., so I’ll be incorporating more of that during my next fruit fast. - I honestly can’t remember all the benefits and can’t look into my body system to see the dance steps displayed by my internal organs (maybe I would have learnt some steps from them, don’t you think?).
Fruit fasting, in my opinion, is the best form of fasting for cleansing and even weight loss. This is because you’re not just depriving your body of food, but you’re simultaneously feeding it necessary nutrients by taking fruits for optimum wellbeing and health. Your body is also taking in lots of fiber from fruits (which you wouldn’t get during a juice fast) which would aid in the flushing out of toxins by your liver (i.e fiber helps liver).
Also, if your goal is weight loss, you definitely DO NOT want your metabolism rate to slow down, which is what juice or water fast would cause. Taking fruits, regularly, during your fast, would result in increased metabolism, which every weight-watcher desires.
Finally, having sufficient calories for the day would be hard to meet when taking strictly juices, as against fruits.

Friday, 6 September 2013


I’ve been having insane cravings.
Yesterday evening, I craved amala (yam flour) which I do not care for and then and rice with ata-dindin (stew that’s been fried with palm oil). Also, on this day, I craved toasted sandwich.
Then I had to experience the greatest temptation of my life- to abandon the fruit fast and start afresh the following week due to a departmental pizzafest. Yes, there was pizza, lots of boxes containing pizza of various flavours, flying all over the place, and all I had to take was a bowl of boring, tasteless (it became so after the aroma of pizza) fruit.
I was sorely tempted.
 But 2 things kept me going:
First, I had shared this on Facebook, and had others watching to see if this was practicable. I wanted them to know it was.
Secondly, I wanted to prove to myself that I could tell my flesh a resounding, reverberating NO.
It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.
My day didn’t even start with my usual drink of water and bentonite clay. I woke late and had to hasten my preparation. Had to even plead with my lovely mum to assist in cutting up some water melon and pawpaw for me, which she graciously did.
Once I got to work, I took some water and bentonite clay, mixed some fruit, ate them, then later took a cup of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and molasses.
At past 12pm, pizzas started flying around with fizzy drinks (which I haven’t had for over 3 months, so I don’t struggle with that at all. I usually just pick a bottle and give it out). I picked up 2 slices for my dog and brother, wrapped them up and kept it in my bag, while I watched others even having a large box almost full of pizza, after taking 2 or more large slices (as I’m writing this, one of the interns just came to tell me he’s marking his birthday today, but no temptation can hold light to the pizza’s.)
I was so hungry on this day that me not stopping told me that I could do what I set my mind on doing.

Thursday, 5 September 2013


Fruit Fasting
Simplicity and ease make fruit fasts a favorite.
A popular form of fasting is fruit fasting, ingesting only fresh, raw fruits. This is a good fast for beginners, especially the one-day fruit fast. It offers some choices as to the fruit to use, and like all fasts, you can create your own specific routine.
A fruit fast, like any of the fasting methods, will create an environment for your body to heal. You will experience an internal cleansing as the body's systems begin the housekeeping they've been unable to do before. Toxins stored in the tissues will have an opportunity to be flushed out.

This detox will come with symptoms resembling the flu. Headaches, nausea, diarrhea, sore throat, coughing, fatigue, body odor, body aches, and sinus discharge are all considered normal reactions during a fast. If you find yourself with any of these side effects, take heart! and know they are a sign that your body is healing.

Does the sugar content of fruit concern you? Don't let it. Fructose, the sugar in fruit, is slowly broken down and converted by the body through several complex processes, into sucrose and glycogen, supplying energy over a long period of time. Fruit is actually recommended for many with sugar-metabolizing disorders, such as hypoglycemia.

On the other hand, sucrose, or refined sugar such as table sugar, assimilates and enters the bloodstream much more quickly, supplying quick energy that depletes just as quickly, leading to those sugar highs and lows and stress on the pancreas.

There are generally two methods of fruit fasting most recognized:

The one-fruit fast
One-fruit fasting is a type of mono-diet or one-food fasting where you stick to one fruit for the duration of your fast. The most "cleansing" fruits are recommended -- apples, grapes, and citrus.

I first did a citrus fast back in 1985 at Kripalu Center for Holistic Health (see Rice Fasting for more on Kripalu). It was a three-day fruit fast, with one orange for each of my three meals each day. Two oranges at a meal was considered acceptable if you felt you needed it. At the time I remember being concerned because orange juice (from concentrate) on an empty stomach used to give me a stomach ache, but it turned out that fresh oranges did not. I believe it has to do with the pasteurization process killing all the enzymes in commercial juices. I did just fine, so if you have the same concern, try experimenting a little before ruling out a citrus fast.

Ayurvedic medicine says 3-5 day fruit fasting enhances nervous system function and aids memory. Recommended fruits for the different doshas:

Vata - papayas, prunes, mangoes
Pitta - grapes, pomegranates, apples
Kapha - apples, cranberries, pomegranates
These days, I find apple fasting to be the easiest fast to accomplish. Premeasured, in a neat package, you can eat it right off the core if need be (although I do cut mine), tasty, full of fiber (good for the bowels), it allows you to chew (unlike water or juice fasting), and apples are good in all parts of the country (unlike oranges, for example). Sometimes called an apple cleanse diet, see here for complete instructions for one to three day apple fruit fasting.

One of the best fasts for a first-timer is a one-day one-fruit fast. You can learn a lot about yourself and your body with a one-day fast. Without too much discomfort, you can do a couple days' worth of preparation prior, by eliminating the heaviest and most processed foods you usually consume. This will help you get more out of a short fast.

The any-fruit fast
The second method of fruit fasting is the any-fruit fast which says any fruit is ok, as long as all you eat is raw fruit. Grapes, apples, mangoes, bananas, citrus, melons and any other fruit you enjoy is fair game on this kind of fast. Melons, it is usually recommended, you eat alone as they don't combine well intestinally. While bananas are ok, they are starchy and considered not as "cleansing" in nature, and therefore, possibly not as beneficial as other fruits. As stated above, citrus, apples, and grapes are the most cleansing.

While this is a popular fasting style for many, others find the many fruit combinations don't digest well together; such as acid and sweet fruits, as well as the melons that don't pair well with anything. Keep combinations to a minimum, and eat melons and citrus by themselves.

2.2 pounds (1 kg) of fruit per day is usually recommended for an any-fruit fast, eaten in 3-5 meals throughout the dayNot strictly limiting quantities can lead to "fruit feasting". Watch your portions and eat slowly with an intention to notice when the feeling of fullness sets in. Don't go beyond this point. You might be surprised at how quickly you are actually physically satiated.

Even though this type of fasting can be a little less intense than others, that's ok , you will still cleanse and detox and have the insightful experiences fasting creates, but without as much discomfort.

Tips for fruit fasting:
Organic and/or locally grown fruit is, of course, the preferred choice for fasting. But since that's not always available, use the highest quality fruits you do have available. See here for a seasonal fruit chart and a nifty search tool to find local produce in your area. Some fruits are considered safe to consume non-organic, see here for the EWG's findings.
Fruit fasting is easier and more comfortable in warmer months or warmer climates. For the winter, try Rice Fasting.
Avoid eating on-the-fly. Give conscious attention to your mealtime. Just because it's a small meal doesn't mean it deserves any less attention. Actually, you are apt to feel fuller if you remain conscious of and focused on the sensations of eating.
For either citrus or apple fasting, consume 1-2 fruits per meal, preferably just one. What works for many is to plan on 4 fruits total for the day.

For all fasts:
Preparation - Eat fewer and lighter meals for a couple days prior. The length of preparation is based on the intensity and length of your planned fast. The longer and/or more intense the fast, the more days of preparation you should make. For a one day fast, you can just eat a light dinner the night before.

If you drink caffeinated beverages, wean yourself off during the few days prior to your fast and you'll avoid the withdrawal headache.

Water - Drink at least 2 quarts of water. Fresh squeezed lemon may be added to your water, as it not only imparts a bit of flavor, but will contribute living beneficial enzymes.
Activity - Plan for a light workload during a fast. Don't overdo. Moderate exercise is ok, even helpful, but save the more strenuous workouts for another time. Walking and yoga are particularly well-suited to fasting.
Aid Detox - Take time to do dry skin brushing to enhance the body's ability to detox through both the skin and the lymphatic system, as well as breathing exercises to help cleanse the blood.
Rest - Get plenty of rest -- allow yourself naps during the day if you ever feel the need.
Tips - Read the Water Fasting Tips page as most of the information there can be helpful during any type of fast or cleansing diet.
Colon Health - Many recommend enemas during any kind of fast, but it isn't necessary. If the bowels don't move for the duration of your fast, that's ok. The bowels will move when you resume intake of regular foods.

You can add the psyllium cleanse to your routine by adding 1-2 tablespoons of psyllium husks (available in most pharmacies, in the laxative section) to a glass of water. Do this one or two times per day. Psyllium is a natural fiber laxative that is excellent for cleansing the intestines. Be sure to drink plenty of water with psyllium as the package will tell you. Or see here for a colon cleanse recipe that utilizes psyllium. Or here, for other colon cleansing options.

Breaking the Fast - Give special attention to the breaking of a fast. Do so slowly, easing back into regular foods (but making better choices about which foods!). Again, the length and intensity of the fast performed will dictate how many days you take to re-acclimate your body to regular eating.

For a 10-day fast, three days of easing back in is recommended, eating normal foods on the fourth day. For a one to three-day fast, spend about a day or a day and a half taking it easy with foods. See the Guidelines for Breaking a Fast page for information on the order of re-introduction of foods, quantities, and frequency.

After the fast - Pay attention to the subtle signals from your body as they can guide you to the foods most appropriate for your needs. Check out the Recipe Section of this site for ideas.

7- day Detox Plan

Juliette's 7-Day Detox Plan

By Dietitian, Juliette Kellow BSc RD
Rather than following an extreme detox plan that limits just about every food except fruit and veg while at the same time getting you to down a nasty ‘detox’ drink every day, this plan is safer and more sensible and shouldn’t leave you short on nutrients if you follow it for just one week.

Foods to include in the plan

Your plan can include:
  • Fruit – your plan can include any fruit including fresh, frozen, dried or canned in natural fruit juice. This includes apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapefruit, satsumas, sultanas, raisins, pineapple, mango, kiwi fruit, strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, nectarines, peaches, melons, star fruit etc
  • Fruit juice – either make homemade fruit juices or smoothies from fresh fruit, or drink ready-made juices. Make sure ready-made juices are labelled as being ‘pure’ or ‘unsweetened’.
  • Vegetables – eat any vegetables including fresh, frozen or canned in water (without salt added). This includes carrots, onions, turnip, swede, sprouts, cabbage, peppers, mushrooms, sweetcorn, peppers, leeks, courgettes, broccoli, cauliflower, salad, tomatoes, cucumber, spring onions etc
  • Beans and lentils – eat any beans, including those that have been dried or canned in water. This includes red kidney, haricot, cannellini, butter, black eye, pinto, red lentils, green lentils and brown lentils
  • Tofu and Quorn
  • Oats – sprinkle oats over fresh fruit or use to make porridge, sweetened with honey and fresh fruit
  • Potatoes – all types
  • Brown rice and rice noodles
  • Rye crackers, rice cakes and oatcakes
  • Fresh fish – eat any fresh fish including cod, plaice, mackerel, salmon, lobster, crab, trout, haddock, tuna, prawns, Dover sole, red mullet, halibut, lemon sole, monkfish, swordfish etc. Canned fish in water is suitable too eg salmon or tuna
  • Unsalted nuts – eat any including Brazil, peanuts, almonds, cashew, hazel nuts, macadamia, pecans, pine nuts, pistachio, walnuts etc
  • Unsalted seeds – eat any including sunflower and pumpkin
  • Plain popcorn – without sugar or salt
  • Live natural yoghurt
  • Extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar
  • Garlic, ginger and fresh herbs
  • Ground black pepper
  • Honey
  • Water – at least 2 litres a day. Tap or mineral water is fine.
  • Herbal or fruit teas

Foods to avoid during your detox

  • Red meat, chicken, turkey and any meat products like sausages, burgers, and pate
  • Milk, cheese, eggs, cream
  • Butter and margarine
  • Any food that contains wheat including bread, croissants, cereals, cakes, biscuits, pies, pastry, quiche, battered or breadcrumbed foods, etc
  • Crisps and savoury snacks including salted nuts
  • Chocolate, sweets, jam and sugar
  • Processed foods, ready meals, ready-made sauces and takeaways
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee and tea
  • Sauces, pickles, shop bought salad dressing, mayonnaise
  • Salt
  • Fizzy drinks and squashes, including diet versions

Detox Plan Breakfasts

  • Banana porridge
    Porridge made with water and topped with natural yoghurt, banana, raisins and sweetened with honey.
  • Fruit salad with yoghurt and oats
    Fresh fruit salad with natural yoghurt and a sprinkling of oats.
  • Fresh fruit smoothie
    Fruit smoothie made from fresh fruit, natural yoghurt and honey to sweeten if needed.
  • Muesli and yoghurt Homemade muesli made from oats, seeds, nuts and dried fruit served with natural yoghurt.
  • Fresh fruit and yoghurt
    Fresh fruit and a pot of natural yoghurt sweetened with honey.

Detox Plan Lunches

  • Vegetable soup and oatcakes
    Large bowl of vegetable or lentil soup (either homemade or supermarket ‘fresh’) with oatcakes.
  • Tuna and sweetcorn jacket potato and salad Jacket potato topped with tuna (canned in water) mixed with sweetcorn and natural yoghurt and served with salad.
  • Mediterranean salad with rice cakes
    Rice cakes served with rocket, avocado, tomatoes, fresh basil and black pepper. Plus a handful of unsalted nuts.
  • Guacamole with crudités
    Homemade guacamole made from avocado, lemon juice, fresh chilli, tomatoe and garlic served with vegetable crudités and oatcakes.
  • Tzatziki with crudités
    Homemade tzatziki made from natural yoghurt, garlic, cucumber and lemon juice served with vegetable crudités and oatcakes.
  • Avocado and prawn salad Fresh avocado served with prawns, salad, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice.
  • Jacket potato with grilled cod
    Grilled cod fillet served with jacket potatoes and lightly steamed vegetables.

Detox Plan Dinners

  • Chinese vegetable stir fry
    Stir fry a selection of vegetables such as bok choi, spring onions, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and beansprouts in a little olive oil with garlic and ginger. Serve with brown rice.
  • Baked salmon with jacket potato
    Bake a salmon fillet and serve with a jacket potato and steamed vegetables.
  • Tuna and prawns with noodles
    Gently fry a selection of vegetables such as onions, mushrooms, peppers, courgette and leek in a little olive oil. When lightly browned, add a handful of prawns. Cook for a few minutes, then add canned tomatoes, tomato puree, black pepper and tuna canned in water. Bring to the boil and simmer until the sauce thickens. Serve with rice noodles.
  • Sweet and sour stir fry with rice
    Gently fry a selection of chopped vegetables such as onions, peppers, baby sweetcorn and mushrooms. Add canned pineapple (in fruit juice), canned tomatoes, tomato purée, white wine vinegar and honey. Bring to the boil and simmer until the sauce has thickened. Serve with brown rice.
  • Potato and bean casserole
    Gently fry a selection of typical casserole vegetables such as onion, carrots and parsnip in a little olive oil with garlic. When browned, add diced potato and fry for a few minutes. Add fresh vegetable stock, black pepper and your favourite beans. Bring to the boil and simmer until the casserole thickens.

Detox Plan Snacks

  • Fresh fruit or fresh fruit salad
  • Natural yoghurt mixed with honey
  • Plain popcorn
  • Handful of unsalted nuts or seeds

Create Your Own Detox Plan

You can create and calorie count your own detox plan using the tools in Weight Loss Resources. Keep an online food diary, set a weight loss goal and see how many calories you need to get there. Try it Free for 24 hours


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Nutritional benefits of Watermelon Seeds

When you think of the health benefits of watermelon, the seeds probably don't come to mind. It can be a quite frustrating experience when you’re eating the sweet refreshing fruit and have to pause to take out the tiny seeds scattered in the fruit.

Growing up as a child, I was told not to eat fruit seeds as the seeds could germinate and grow in my stomach, very funny claim that was! I guess the myth was told because if not well masticated or broken down before swallowing, the seeds can easily pass through the digestive tract undigested.

According to nutritionists, roasting watermelon seeds creates a crunchy snack filled with various food nutrients which provide a wide array of health benefits.

In Nigeria, the dry watermelon seeds are used to prepare soup and sauces.
Watermelon seeds are very high in protein, a vital nutrient for overall health which helps build and maintain muscles and other tissues.

One cup of the dried watermelon seeds is said to contain about 30.6 grams of protein, which constitutes about 61 percent of the daily recommended value.

The protein in watermelon seeds consists of several amino acids, including tryptophan, glutamic acid, and lysine.

Watermelon seeds are also loaded with several of the B vitamins which are necessary for converting food into energy and other important bodily functions.

The most prevalent B vitamin in watermelon seeds is niacin. A cup of dried watermelon seeds is said to contain 3.8 milligrams of niacin, about 9 percent of daily value.

Niacin is important for maintaining the nervous system, digestive system and promotes skin health. Other B vitamins in watermelon seeds include thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid.

Minerals also abound in watermelon seeds. Magnesium is the most abundant mineral, weighing in with 556milligrams, making up 139 percent of the recommended daily value in a cup of dried seeds.

Magnesium helps regulate blood pressure. Other important minerals in watermelon seeds are phosphorous, iron, potassium, sodium, copper, manganese and zinc.

The most surprising thing about watermelon seeds is the amount of fat they contain. A cup of dried seeds contains 51 grams of fat, with 11 of those being saturated fat.

Other fats are monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and omega-6 fatty acids which can help in the reduction of high blood pressure.

If you're an active individual engaging in regular exercise or just have a high metabolism, the high calorie content of roasted watermelon seeds can be beneficial.

One cup of roasted watermelon seeds provides 602 calories, which is 30 percent of your daily caloric intake.

If you're an athlete, roasted watermelon seeds can be a good choice for supporting your activities; one cup of roasted watermelon seeds provides enough calories to fuel 2 hours and 45 minutes of weightlifting.

While roasted watermelon seeds are high in total fat each cup contains 51 grams with most of the fat being polyunsaturated. Polyunsaturated fats may help improve your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of both heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

This may come as good news to weight watchers because watermelon seeds are low in carbohydrates! If you're following a carbohydrate-restricted diet, consuming roasted watermelon seeds can be beneficial.

Each cup of roasted watermelon seeds contains only 17 grams of carbohydrates!
It is rich in iron! A cup of dry watermelon seeds provides 44 percent of the daily suggested intake. Iron is a vital nutrient your body needs for proper oxygen delivery throughout your body and cell growth.

So the next time you grab a pulp of watermelon, make sure you do not throw away the seeds, you just might be losing rich nutrients needed for the proper functioning of your body. Spare some time, get the seeds out and you just might be on your way to getting something healthy into your system.

Culled from

It's hard to remember good

It's almost midnight of Children's day, and I decided to call my cousin's kids via viber. After chatting with their mum for a while, I spoke with the last child, who is 7 years old. Her immediate older brother, is the one I usually refer to as my son, because he would call me "mummy" when he was a baby. Characteristically, she always antagonised him, and he usually picked on her. I decided to ask about him. She went on a rant about how he's been naughty and has dealt with her and so on. I then asked about the oldest one, she then said something like"he's been mostly kind".
I asked for examples, and she told me about how he "banished" her from his phone. I told her she should share stories about his kind acts, and she said he helps her and does nice things for her, but she couldn't give a particular example.
I decided to ask her about the kind acts done by her immediate (that boy has got a kind heart, even though he's boisterous), and she said "I can't remember". When I probed further, she then went on to say "it's hard go remember the good things. It's easier to remember the bad ones".
What a revelation!
Like they say "from the mouth of babes, the truth is established".
No matter what you believe, the girl has said the truth; everytime you are unkind or inconsiderate towards others, it's magnified in their eyes. They would easily remember that unkind act/word than the other kind words/acts you said you've said/done , especially if that isn't an overwhelming number.
Il be posting some things on effects of negative words later.
Do have a splendid week.


Woke up to the knowledge that I hadn't prepared for today's fruit fast. After my time with Him, I took a TBS of bentonite clay and then drank about half a litre of water (my tummy refused sipping more). I then pleaded with my sister to help me cut up 1 half of a watermelon, and she was so kind to wake up to assist, while I jumped into the tub. By the time I was done with my bath time, she was also rounding up.
I quickly packed up the ones she had cut, the one that was remaining yesterday, a strawberry and 3/4 of a bunch of bananas, into a bag, and flew out the door. Caught up with the staff bus just in time.
Once I got to the office, I took another TBSP of clay, alongside water and then mixed up the fruits, including the bananas and strawberry. I was more efficient in getting the fruits ready, today.
By past 8am, I was eating a bowl of fruits.
Around 10am, I took a cold glass of ACV mixed with molasses. This healthy combo tastes like malt without the 'soft poison' (aka Sugar).
Some minutes past 12 noon, I was with another bowl of fruit. By this time, I had taken close to a gallon (if not a gallon, yet) of water.

Been having cravings for food I don't usually eat! Yesterday evening, I had a craving for Amala (which I don't particularly like), while today, I had a craving for toasted sandwich *rolling eyes at self*.
Anyhoo, Aunt Flo came to say hello, but I wonder if this stuff is getting on her nerves or somethang (shrug) cuz I'm barely aware of her presence..well...
I intend preparing the smoothie I've put off making, since Sunday. I'll be picking up some ugu leaves (aka Fluted Pumpkin) in the market, add an aloe leaf, some basil leaves and ginger, to the fruits I'll be blending.
Around past 3pm, I took my last bowl of fruits.
Drank much more than a gallon of water, today.


I decided to embark on a 5-day fruit (and veg) fast, last week. After I felt a bit constipated last week, I decided it was time for me to do a kind of cleanse with bentonite clay. Besides, I think my liver has been overworked lately with a lot of carby and fatty meals and it needed to relax. Initially, I set it for 3 days because I didn’t believe I could sustain it for a full working week, but I later decided to fix 5 days, tentatively.
When I posted it on Facebook, I received a good amount of encouragement, and was advised to document each day, so I decided to do so.
Below is my Day 1 experience.

Woke up on this day with a feeling of excitement mixed with innate joy (been happening lately because of the strong awareness that I'm a Princess of the Most High), despite having little sleep cuz I was gisting with my friend into the early hours of the morning.
Spent some time with my Father, after which the First day of my fruit fast became fully activated.
The previous night, I had cut up a small watermelon, half a pawpaw (papaya), and cucumber, into biteable sizes. I also grated some carrots, rinsed some red grapes and kept them all in the fridge.
All I then did was to take them out and place into a bag which I took to work.
I also poured out a quantity of liquid bentonite clay into a small bottle so that I could keep that in my drawer, at work.

Before leaving home, I drank about a half a litre of water alongside a tablespoonful (TBS) of Bentonite clay.
When I got to work, I took the clay again alongside water, after which I went about mixing the fruits, and dishing some out to eat.
Later, that same morning, I mixed a TBS of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) mixed with half a TBS of molasses (pinching it cuz I've almost run out…hehehe).

During lunch time, I craved the sun, so I decided to go to the mall to get some strawberries. Now, whenever I’m in the office and don’t want the canteen food, Shoprite is where I go to since I like their chicken and seafood paella. I passed by those food items and the smell was tempting. Also, when I looked and discovered they had Macaroni and minced beef sauce, which I enjoy a lot, but they haven't had in a while, I wish I hadn't started this fast :D. I gently took myself away from that section; checked the fruit aisle but no strawberries, so I settled for Nectarine.

Around 2pm, I took another bowl of fruits, with some slices of nectarine added.
I had to struggle to finish this portion, as I felt stuffed. It was shocking.
By the time it was COB, I had already drunk over a gallon of water.
I was surprised that I still had a bowl still filled with fruits.

Now, I had to face my trip home, in the staff bus which I didn't look foward to as I always feel hungry and a bit uncomfortable, and usually left something hanging around that I could munch on. This happened only in the staff bus, so I figured I was reacting to the smell of the bus or the air freshener or something along that line.
Instead of this happening, I still felt stuffed and didn't even take anymore fruit for the day.
Bought a few strawberries, bananas, ginger and garlic on my way home.
Mum tried to talk me out of doing this for 5 days, because I'm way too skinny to her (I hope she knows that according to the US's Fashion Industry, I'm plus-sized lol)  but I gently explained to her that I needed to do it once and for all.

After Bible Study, I felt too tired/lazy to prepare some smoothie for the next day, so I hit the pillow.
Day 1 was over, and I knew Aunt Flo was gonna come say hi the next day. I was ready for her.
By the way, the reason I embarked on this fast (which I initially set for 3 days because I didn’t believe I could sustain it for a full working week)
Carrots (I don’t like them, so I grated it which is easier to consume)
Pawpaw (aka papaya contains loads and loads of Vitamin C, so I’m not taking any Vit C during this fast)
Watermelon (I chewed the seeds as well, and they are so yummy. You need to read up the amazing nutrients contained in the seed, and you’ll probably go shopping for the seeds)
Apple Cider Vinegar (you need to read the amazing benefits derived from taking this)
Molasses (similar to honey)
More than a gallon of Water